This is a people business.
Events bring together colleagues, old and new, to celebrate milestones amidst an ever-evolving industry. Despite significant changes in the past 15 years, personal relationships remain vital. Success in this field is rooted in learning from colleagues, so I look forward to hearing from your and your peers.
Tony Sirianni
“Pound for pound one of the best industry conferences I have attended. Outstanding content and really liked that hearing top advisors share ideas!”
MARCH 11, 2025 | NYC
RIA Masterclass
Join AdvisorHub CEO Tony Sirianni — a former advisor and founder of two RIA firms — and fellow advisors for a masterclass on creating and running a successful independent practice. Topics will include RIA Formation, Acquisition and Growth, Succession Planning and more.
April 23, 2025 | NYC
Women Advisors Summit
Join us for a full-day event hosted by female industry leaders. Top advisors and nominees from our Advisors to Watch ranking come together for networking and discussion. Topics include Practice Management, Investment Planning, Personal and Professional Growth and more.
October 22, 2025 | NYC
The CEO Summit
Join us for a half-day event with wealth management CEOs and industry decision-makers for an off-the-record conversation hosted by AdvisorHub CEO Tony Sirianni. Discussion will be follow by cocktails and a chef-catered dinner and wine tasting in the club’s private dining room.
October 23, 2025 | NYC
The Advisors to Watch Summit
The agenda for this full day event features valuable insights from fellow advisors on practice management and insights on innovations in wealth management from industry leaders. This is a chance to take a step back from your hectic schedule to think strategically about your business and plan for growth.
Recruiting Roundtable
Join some of the biggest names on wealth management for a series of roundtables on recruiting and transition. Advisors, managers, recruiters and legal experts share best practices, challenges and opportunities for advisors switching firms including valuations, succession, team building and compliance.
Past Events
November 7, 2024 | NYC
Rethinking Volatility
An afternoon of discussion on the state of wealth management and markets in partnership with iShares, featuring Gargi Pal Chaudhuri, Lukas Smart, Andrew Ang from BlackRock and Mark Carver from MSCI.
September 27, 2023 | NYC
Outpacing the Competition
An afternoon of discussion on the state of wealth management and markets in partnership with iShares, featuring Gargi Pal Chaudhuri, Lukas Smart, Andrew Ang from BlackRock and Mark Carver from MSCI.